Psychedelic Reports

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Schizophrenia and psychedelics have a long and intertwined history. First psychiatrists took LSD to better understand their patients as they believed that the acute LSD experience mirrored that of their patients. This perspective, of psychedelics as so-called psycho-mimetics persisted for a long time in academia and in the common understanding. Little research has been done on how psychedelics can help those with schizophrenia.
Italy has a rich history in psychedelic research, with current developments suggesting a potential shift towards more accepting attitudes regarding psychedelic research and potential medical applications despite restrictive laws.
About 30% or one in three of those suffering from depression are dealing with so-called treatment-resistant depression (TRD). The name refers to that these patients have tried at least two treatment options, without success. Psychedelics may offer hope to those suffering from TRD.
Some preliminary research has been done to see if psychedelics can help with postpartum depression, the depression experienced by mothers in the months after giving childbirth.
Safety is of the utmost importance when discussing any sort of drug. Not only do scientists have to prove drugs are therapeutically effective, but they must also ensure drugs are safe for human consumption.
Can psychedelics aid in creative pursuits? And if they can, how do they help? Creativity and psychedelics have long been a topic of discussion and some research is pointing out how they are intertwined.
At the simplest level, personality entails the characteristic patterns of thoughts, feelings and behaviours that make a person unique. Personality is ever-changing and it is believed that psychedelics have the ability to influence these changes.
PTSD is generally grouped alongside anxiety disorders given the similar symptomology that is experienced. There is estimated to be over 300 million people living with PTSD globally. MDMA holds significant promise for treating PTSD and is in Phase III of the clinical trial process,
Although psychedelics are illegal in the U.K., the country and its institutions are establishing themselves as world leaders in this field.
While psychedelics remain illegal in Australia, the countires Health Authorities have recently warmed to the notion of psychedelic therapy, providing a $15 million dollar grant for psychedelic research.
2C-X is the name for a group of psychedelic compounds synthesized by Alexander Shulgin. The most common these compounds are 2C-B and 2C-I however, clinical evidence for their therapeutic potential is lacking.
Poland pioneers psychedelic research with groundbreaking 5-MeO-DMT trial and initiatives by Polish Psychedelic Society, despite strict laws prohibiting psychedelics.
Ibogaine is found in several plants native to Western Africa and has a long history of traditional use. Now, researchers are investigating the effectivness of using ibogaine to treat substance use disorders.
Israel is one of the world's leaders in psychedelic research, with many studies being conducted and more underway.
Psychedelics, psilocybin specifically, has been used by women in the treatment of Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) symptoms, but controlled research is lacking.
Salvia divinorum is the most psychoactive compound known to man. It differs from other psychedelics given it acts at the k-opioid receptor. Some companies are exploring this compound.
Smoking is a serious public health threat. While limited psychedelic research has taken place, preliminary results are showing that psychedelics are helping people kick the habit for good.
The United States has become a hub for psychedelic research and some localities have begun to legalize certain psychedelics for therapy.
Adolescents and Psychedelics
Adolescents use psychedelics, so what can we say about the effects on the developing brain, social impact, and effects on mental health.
The Netherlands is well-known for its liberal drug policies. Psychedelic research is ongoing at several universities and many retreats exist.
Microdosing is the practice of regularly using low doses of psychedelic drugs. This relatively recent phenomenon was made popular through the anecdotal reports of young professionals from all walks of life, taking sub-hallucinogenic doses of psychedelics for a variety of reasons.
Alcohol use disorder is the most common of all substance use disorders across the globe. Thankfully, psychedelics are showing great promise in treating AUD.
The use of psilocybin predates written history. Its therapeutic potential is not going unnoticed as clinical trials have yielded promising results. Movements to decriminalize psilocybin are well underway in the U.S and further afield.
Placebo and psychedelic research intersect in fascinating ways, illuminating the power of mind, belief, & setting in shaping our experiences
Known as 'ecstasy' and 'molly,' MDMA is showing serious theraputic potential for the treatment of PTSD and other mental disorders. Clinical trials are in Phase III and many believe MDMA could by FDA approved by 2023.
Fibromyalgia is a condition that causes pain all over the body. Two percent of adults in the US currently suffer from fibromyalgia. Three clinical trials have started this year to investigate the effect of psilocybin on fibromyalgia.
Portugal has one of the most progressive attitudes toward drugs in the world, decriminalizing all drugs for personal use in 2001.
Music has long played a crucial role in psychedelic-assisted therapy (PAT) as it helps evoke emotions, guide patients through their inner journey, and create an optimal therapeutic environment. Modern guidelines recommend using music during PAT, and its importance has been recognized since the early stages of psychedelic research.
Ayahuasca has been used for its healing properties for thousands of years. Its main component, DMT, remains a controlled substance. Despite this, some clinical trials have taken place with ayahuasca.
Oringinally availble as an anaesthetic, ketamine is now widely available as an off-label treatment for various mental health disorders and is one of the only psychedleics under investigation in China.
LSD was widely studied in the 1960s with promising early results. Although LSD has found its way back into the lab, the duration of the trip makes it less likely to developed as medicine.
Nitrous oxide, known as laughing gas, is a widely used mild anaesthetic that may have the potential to treat mental health disorders.
Kratom is a species of tree that grows in Southeast Asia and Africa. In low doses, kratom leaves act as a stimulant while in high doses, it has analgesic effects.
5-MeO-DMT is a tryptamine found in both plants and animals sources. Some companies are focusing their attention on their therapeutic potential of this compound.
DMT is a powerful yet short-lived hallucinogenic drug that naturally occurs in many plants and animals. It is the main psychoative component of the ayahuasca brew. Some research is underway with this compound.
Mescaline is famously derived from the San Pedro and Peyote cactic. Its healing properties have been known by Indigenous communities in the Americas for thousands of years. This compound is yet to undergo rigorous clincial studies.
There is estimated to be over 150 million people living with some form of substance use disorders worldwide. Thankfully, clinical trials are taking place all over the world using psychedelics like psilocybin, MDMA, ayahuasca, ketamine and ibogaine to treat these disorders and are producing positive results.
The two most common eating disorders are anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa, affecting roughly 16 million people globally. Current medications have limited success in treating people with these disorders. Research with psychedelics including MDMA and psilocybin to treat these disorders is underway.
OCD affects an estimated 1-2% of the population and is ranked as one of the 10 most disabling illnesses in terms of lost income and decreased quality of life in tandem with medications like SSRIs is the most common treatment. Phase I studies using psilocybin to treat OCD are underway.
Health behaviour change is the effort to change habits and attitudes to prevent disease. It refers to the motivational, wilful, and action-based processes of stopping health-compromising behaviour in favour of health-enhancing behaviour.
Though not studied nearly enough, some psychedelics (mainly ketamine) are being researched to help those with borderline. One trial is ongoing to study the effects of psilocybin on borderline that co-occurs with depression.
Psychedelics have a long history and have been used for centuries. The knowledge that is possessed by indigenous communities and how they should be compensated is currently a hot topic in psychedelics.
Chemists look closely at molecules and how they react together. This is also the case with psychedelics. This topic report covers how chemists play a role in discovering novel psychedelics, and the new ways of producing them.
Neurocognitive disorders refer to a decrease in mental function due to something other than psychiatric illness. Dementia, Alzheimer's and traumatic brain injury are causes of neurocognitive disorders.
End-of-life anxiety & depression happen to many patients with cancer. In this population, psychedelics research was restarted at the start of this century. Palliative care with psychedelics can help them out tremendously.
Most population surveys that have included those who use psychedelics find positive correlations between the use and health and well-being outcomes.
In the 70s, psychedelics were used as a relationship therapy tool. MDMA and 2CB were used then to enhance the therapeutic process. Modern research (and therapeutic use) of psychedelics for relationship coaching or therapy is still very limited.
Psychedelics are being investigated for several headache disorders. These include migraines and cluster headaches which are two separate, but both debilitating, headache disorders with different expressions and underlying processes.
If psychedelics are to become medicines at scale, the economics of the treatments do need to work. By work, I mean they will need to be cost-effective to a point that insurers are willing to provide the funds for them. Private (non-medical or non-insured) use will certainly have a place, but the real impact will be realised when psychedelics become part of mainstream healthcare.
It is estimated that chronic pain affects at least 30% of the world’s population. The fallout from the Opioid Epidemic has spurred a new interested in finding more effective treatments for pain management. Some trials using psychedelics like psilocybin to treat phantom-limb pain and cluster headaches are underway.
Psychedelics are for the most part illegal in France with the exception being ketamine which is available on persrciption.
In Spain, the use of psychedelics in a private place is decriminalized. From Barcelona to Madrid, psychedelic research is underway.
Depression impacts over 260 million people. It is the most extensively studied disorder in the world of psychedelics with psilocybin, ketamine and DMT all showing promise.
Psychedelics are illegal in Denmark. However, research into their therapeutic potential is well underway in institutions across the country.
Psychedelic research is well underway in Norway. A number of ketamine clinics are operating in the country while researchers continue to collaborate with organizations like MAPS on clinical trials.
Opioid use disorder is one of the greatest threats to American public health in recent years. Thankfully, psychedelics are helping people to overcome there battles with their substance misuse.
Indigenous communities in Mexico have used psychedelic plants for healing and spiritual purposes for thousands of years.
Nearly 4% of the world's population is affected by one of more than 80 different autoimmune diseases. Many of these diseases have no cure. Researchers believe that psychedelics have anti-inflammatory properties which may be used to treat these disorders.
Anxiety impacts 300 million people. Psychedelics show promise in alleviating symptoms of anxiety. Studies over the last 20 years with LSD, MDMA, ketamine and more psychedelics are paving the way towards psychedelic-assisted therapy for anxiety.
Canada was the first G8 country to legalise cannabis and has recently permitted psychedelic therapy in certain circumstances.
There is estimated to be 45 million people living with some form of bipolar disorder across the globe. No trials have taken place using psychedelics to treat bipolar disorders as researchers are unsure if psychedelics may induce a manic episode in participants.
Autism spectrum disorders are believed to affect 1 in 160 children globally. At present, there are no FDA-approved treatments for autistic adults. There has been little research to date regarding the use of psychedelics to treat autism spectrum disorders, however, one trial using MDMA yielded promising results.
Psychedelics are illegal in Germany, although the country is home to som big companies and research institutions in the field.
Belgium is not doing a lot of psychedelic research. The history and current relationship with psychedelics are still very limited in Belgium.
Indigenous communities in Colombia have a long history of using ayahuasca for religious purposes and therefore, it remains an uncontrolled substance.
While all psychedelics reamin illegal in Finland, some researcch into their therapuetic potential is underway.
Brazil has a long history with psychedelic drugs with ayahuasca being used for thousands of years by Indigenous communities.
Despite its restrictive drug laws, researchers in China are continuing to explore the therapeutic potential of ketamine.
Psychedelic researchhas been synonymous with Switzerland following Albert Hofmann’s synthesis of LSD and isolation of psilocybin.
Research into the therapeutic potential of psychedelics is well underway in New Zealand, particularly with ibogaine given its legal status.
Psychedelic drugs in Jamaica are readily available, making it an attractive location for psychedelic retreats and researchers alike.
Psychedelics are illegal in Ireland however, the country hosted a test site for the Compass Pathways psilocybin studies.
There is a history of the traditional use of psychedelics in Ecuador and as a results, some psychedelics are legally permitted.
Costa Rica is a popular destination for psychedelic retreats given the legal status surrounding some psychedelic substances.
The Czech Republic has a long history with psychedelic research as numerous studies carried out during the first wave of research.
Indigenous communities in Peru have been utilizing the therapeutic potential of psychedelics for thousands of years.
Indigenous communities in Bolivia have a long history of using ayahuasca and today it is recognised as part of their cultural heritage.
Psychedelics are for the most part illegal in Austria. However, in 2016 the authorities decriminalized psilocybin mushrooms for personal use.
The Ancient Egyptians are believed to have used psilocybin mushrooms for religious purposes.
Psychedelics are illegal in Sweden. Fortunately, clinical research with psychedelics is taking place thanks to the work of dedicated non-profits in the country.
Psychedelics are illegal in Taiwan although psilocybin is considered a Schedule II substance.
All psychedelics remain illegal in Turkey.
All psychedelics remain illegal in Luxembourg. However, in 2021 Luxembourg became one of the first European countries to allow its citizens to grow and consume certain amounts of cannabis.
All psychedelics remain illegal in Iceland. However, there is interest in psychedelic medicine in the country.
Research into the therapeutic potential is taking place in countries all over Europe despite the varying legal statuses of psychedelics around the continent.
Despite having very strict laws surrounding controlled substances, in 2020 Singapore approved esketmaine for patients with MDD and suicidal ideation.
Uruguay historically became the first country in the world to legalize cannabis. Other drugs are not criminalized in the country, allowing some psychedelic retreats to operate
Resarch with psychedelics is taking place at the University of Buenos Aries in Argentina.
Explore how psychedelics can help those with Traumatic Brain Injury or concussions recover, heal brains, and live fully again.
More than 700,000 people die by suicide each year. Suicidality is often linked to a range of mental health disorders including depression and substance use disorders. Ketamine is showing great promise to rapidly alleviate suicidal thoughts, something which is very important when we think of the outcome.
Psychedelics are developing as medicines at the same time when digital therapeutics are entering regular practice. Where they intersect is what this page will be about.
Healthy subjects or health normals is a term used for those who are currently not suffering from a mental health or substance use disorder. In psychedelic research, the term is often used to describe participants in Phase I or Phase II studies who are testing the safety of a treatment.
Psychedelics are allowing neuroscientists to explore the brain like never before.

Reports on Psychedelic: From Addiction to Placebo, and from Anxiety to United States

Psychedelics are becoming serious contenders for the next generation of medicines for mental health. They are being taken through clinical trials, and investment is pouring in on several continents. Our reports cover psychedelics from a variety of angles.

First, we cover them per topic, with a focus on the different mental health disorders for which they can be useful. Second, we investigate the individual compounds and how they are being applied. Third, we inspect the leading countries and report on where they stand with regard to the implementation of psychedelics.