Descending the Mountain

Descending the Mountain is a film that invites viewers on a transformative journey of mystical exploration, blending the use of magic mushrooms and meditation practices.

The documentary features a groundbreaking scientific experiment located on the majestic Mount Rigi in Switzerland, led by psychiatrist Franz Vollenweider and Zen master Vanja Palmers. Together, they investigate the effects of psychedelics and meditation on the human mind, offering viewers a fascinating insight into the intersection of science and spirituality.

Published: 2021

Type: Documentary

Director(s): Maarten Nevejan

Runtime: 1h18m


Franz Vollenweider
Franz X. Vollenweider is one of the pioneering psychedelics researchers, currently at the University of Zurich. He is also the director of the Heffter (sponsored) Research Center Zürich for Consciousness Studies (HRC-ZH).
