Every month we take a close look at a recent psychedelic paper. Blossom has partnered with Lucid News to dive deep into the most exciting research each month. Not only do we put a recent paper in context, but we also cover the best and worst aspects of the paper and the wider scientific communities’ reactions.
Psychedelic experiences can often be life-changing and transformative. If used carefully, psychedelics can help shake old habits, find renewed meaning, and strengthen relationships. But these experiences can also be challenging to integrate into daily life. They can bring about feelings of anxiety, confusion, and existential crisis.
What are the costs of psychedelic therapy? Who will pay for them and will it even be worth it for people, insurers, and companies?
Everyone knows about MDMA for PTSD, but what if I told you there are 21 more areas psychedelics are being researched for?
Psychedelics for anxiety have been significantly understudied. Change is on the horizon with new studies by MindMed, Cybin, and more in the works.
What will psychedelic-assisted therapy look like when it becomes available? Explore this ongoing debate within the psychedelics field.
A new study examines how psychedelics can help with creativity. Though the influence of psychedelics on creativity is difficult to measure, it finds specific improvements under the influence of LSD.
How do we make psychedelics available for research and therapy? We spoke to Berra Yazar-Klosinski to learn about how MAPS PBC is making cGMP MDMA at scale.
Microdosing is becoming more popular every day. From Hollywood to small towns all across the word. Is there scientific merit to it, or all placebo? And does a new paper prove the benefits of microdosing?
Monthly Psychedelic Research Column
What is the impact of psychedelic research? And how are we to interpret the results of the latest hyped research paper? Each month we, in cooperation with Lucid News, take a sharp look at a high-profile (or under-highlighted) research paper.
We explain the findings, examine the weak points, recall earlier research, and gather opinions around the community.