Impact of a Naturalistic Psychedelic Experience on Smoking: A Retrospective Survey

This retrospective online survey (n=173) examined the impact of a psychedelic experience on tobacco use among smokers. The results showed a significant decrease in the mean number of cigarettes smoked daily and tobacco dependency following a psychedelic experience. Participants who reduced or quit smoking had more intense mystical experiences during the psychedelic session and initially lower psychological flexibility. The study found that an increase in psychological flexibility after the psychedelic experience and personal motives for undergoing the session were significant positive predictors of smoking reduction or cessation.

Abstract of Impact of a Naturalistic Psychedelic Experience on Smoking

“Tobacco use disorder is a major public health concern. The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of a psychedelic experience in a natural context on tobacco use. A retrospective online survey was conducted on 173 individuals who reported having had a psychedelic experience while being smokers. Demographic information was collected, and characteristics of the psychedelic experience, tobacco addiction and psychological flexibility were assessed. Mean number of cigarettes smoked per day, and proportion of individuals with high tobacco dependency significantly decreased between the three time points (p < .001). Participants who reduced or quit smoking had more intense mystical experiences during the psychedelic session (p = .01) and lower psychological flexibility before the psychedelic experience (p = .018). The increase in psychological flexibility post psychedelic session, and the personal motives for the psychedelic experience were significant positive predictors of smoking reduction or cessation (p < .001). Our results confirmed that a psychedelic experience in smoker individuals can be associated with smoking and tobacco dependency reduction and that the personal motives for the psychedelic session, the intensity of the mystical experience, and the increase of psychological flexibility following the psychedelic experience, are associated with smoking cessation or reduction.”

Authors: B. Romeo, B. Fauvel, S. Dejean, L. Strika, A. Amirouche, Vincent Verroust, P. Piolino, A. Benyamina

Summary of Impact of a Naturalistic Psychedelic Experience on Smoking

Tobacco use disorder is a major public health concern, and in France, 30% of adults smoke tobacco, which is the first cause of preventable death and a decrease in life expectancy by 20 to 25 years.

Several treatments have shown efficacy for smoking cessation at six months, among which are varenicline (21.8%), bupropion (16.2%), and nicotine replacement therapy (15.7%). The gold standard to treat tobacco use disorder is the combination of medication and behavioural therapy.

Psychedelics have been studied for their potential to treat psychiatric disorders and addiction. The main hypothesis concerning the mechanisms of action of psychedelics is their serotonergic agonism, particularly on the 5-HT2A receptor.

To the author’s knowledge, the only retrospective study of tobacco smoking cessation associated with a single naturalistic psychedelic use has been performed. The results showed that 38% of individuals who had quit or reduced smoking maintained their cessation, and 28% reported a persisting reduction in smoking.

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Impact of a Naturalistic Psychedelic Experience on Smoking: A Retrospective Survey

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Romeo, B., Fauvel, B., Dejean, S., Strika, L., Amirouche, A., Verroust, V., ... & Benyamina, A. (2023). Impact of a Naturalistic Psychedelic Experience on Smoking: A Retrospective Survey. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 1-10.

Study details

Topics studied
Addiction Smoking

Study characteristics

173 Humans