Effects of ayahuasca on gratitude and relationships with nature: An open-label, naturalistic study

This prospective survey (n=54) study found that participants of an ayahuasca retreat significantly increased in nature-relatedness and -appreciation (and gratitude) one week and one month later. Ratings of the trip on mystical experience and awe correlated weakly with these changes.

Abstract of Effects of ayahuasca on gratitude and relationships with nature

“Ayahuasca is a psychedelic brew that has been the focus of an increasing number of investigations for its potential therapeutic effects. In addition to psychiatric improvements, qualitative studies and anecdotal reports suggest that ayahuasca use may influence gratitude and relationships with nature. Yet, to date, these specific changes have been understudied. Here, participants (N = 54) completed surveys one-week before, one-week after, and one-month after attending an ayahuasca retreat center. There was a significant increase in gratitude, nature relatedness, and nature appreciation at the one-week and one-month follow-ups compared to baseline. Ratings of mystical-type experiences and awe, but not ego dissolution, were weakly-to-moderately correlated with increases in gratitude, nature relatedness, and nature appreciation. Although further research is needed to address study limitations, our results support that mystical-type experiences and awe occasioned by ayahuasca can be followed by changes in personality that are beneficial to mental health as well as prosocial.”

Authors: Jacob S. Aday, Emily K. Bloesch, Alan K. Davis, Sarah E. Domoff, Kyle Scherr, Josh D. Woolley & Christopher C. Davol

Summary of Effects of ayahuasca on gratitude and relationships with nature

Ayahuasca, a psychedelic brew, may influence gratitude and relationships with nature. The effects of ayahuasca on gratitude, nature relatedness, and nature appreciation are weakly-to-moderately correlated with ratings of mystical-type experiences and awe, but not ego dissolution.

Psychedelic drugs are currently of high scientific, public, and regulatory interest because of the promising therapeutic effects demonstrated in clinical trials when paired with psychotherapeutic support. However, many areas of social functioning and personality have been reported to be altered as a result of psychedelic experiences. There is evidence that individuals feel more grateful after psychedelic experiences, including powerful experiences of the emotion of awe, and direct anecdotal and qualitative evidence suggesting individuals experience increased gratitude in other contexts.

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Effects of ayahuasca on gratitude and relationships with nature: An open-label, naturalistic study


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Aday, J., Bloesch, E. K., Davis, A. K., Domoff, S., Scherr, K. C., Woolley, J., & Davoli, C. C. (2023, June 7). Effects of ayahuasca on gratitude and relationships with nature: An open-label, naturalistic study. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/t32qp

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Healthy Subjects Personality

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54 Humans

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