Psychedelic Integration in Psychotherapy: A Retreat for Clinicians

The Psychedelic Integration in Psychotherapy: A Retreat for Clinicians took place from 17-20th January 2020 in Phoenicia, New York, USA. Menla hosted this three-day workshop aimed at clinicians who want to work with psychedelics.

The retreat is a 3-day immersive program designed explicitly for mental healthcare providers seeking to expand their knowledge of psychedelic research and clinical practice. This retreat addresses the growing demand for clinicians to help clients integrate profoundly meaningful psychedelic experiences into their daily lives, resulting in long-lasting positive changes.

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Ingmar Gorman
Dr. Ingmar Gorman is a psychologist who specializes in assisting populations who have had experiences with psychedelics. He is the co-founder of Fluence, which trains mental health providers in psychedelic integration and therapy.