KAP Theory and Methodology

The KAP Theory & Methodology course is a comprehensive, 12-week hybrid program that teaches a theoretically grounded methodology for Ketamine-assisted Psychotherapy (KAP).

The hybrid format combines self-paced learning materials, including videos, readings, and assignments, with weekly live-online meetings with experienced Fluence Trainers. These meetings provide a platform for discussion, role plays, case discussions, and Q&A, and are held in small groups to foster relationship building and community.

The educational materials for this course have been developed by a team of experts, including Dr. Ingmar Gorman, Dr. Elizabeth Nielson, Jeffrey Guss, MD, and Casey Paleos, MD, who have extensive experience in psychedelic-assisted therapy, private practice KAP, and training clinicians in this field.

By the end of this course, participants will have a deep understanding of drug-assisted psychotherapy, including its history and theory, as well as its ethical standards and informed consent. They will also be able to prepare patients for ketamine-assisted psychotherapy and integrate the experience in a way that aligns with the practitioner’s existing therapeutic model and the patient’s treatment history.

In addition, participants will have a conceptual understanding of the arc of treatment and nonlinear change, as well as the broader sociocultural context of drug-assisted psychotherapy, including the stigma and judgment related to this approach.

This course is given each quarter and qualifies for 15 continuing education (CE) hours. This course is the core component of the Postgraduate Certificate in Ketamine-assisted Psychotherapy. Enrollment in this course is available to participants in the Ketamine-assisted Psychotherapy Certificate Program and KAP practitioners in the general community by application only.

Find More Info on KAP Theory and Methodology on PsychedelicsCourses.com

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Fluence is a company that offers continuing education and certificate programs in psychedelic integration and psychedelic-assisted therapy.
