Psychedelic Research Recap February 2024

What happens if psychedelics become a regular part of therapy? In a way, that is what the majority of research on psychedelics is trying to answer. Studies analysing the safety, to mapping out the effectiveness in various domains, including those featured here in February, help us understand psychedelics as medicines.

Psychedelic Research Recap January 2024

January saw new psychedelic trials on ibogaine for TBI, DMT, and psilocybin for CCHs, alongside re-analyses on psychedelic brain impacts, therapy dynamics in MDMA treatment, and LSD visuals. Studies also probed SSRI-psychedelic interactions, expectancy roles, and heart effects from microdosing.

Psychedelic Research Recap November 2023

November’s psychedelic research saw advances in ayahuasca formulations and intriguing survey findings on naturalistic use. The month also featured complex mechanisms and tracking psychedelic states via heart rate dynamics.

Psychedelic Research Recap July & August 2023

Even as many of us took time off for summer vacations, researchers in the field of psychedelics persisted in their efforts. They delved deeper into understanding the healing properties of these substances. The big psilocybin for depression (MDD) by the non-profit Usona was published, we got new insights into candy flipping (MDMA + psychedelic) from two groups, and the risks of prolonged microdosing.

Psychedelic Research Recap June 2023

June was jam-packed with psychedelic research, with (again) adding nearly one paper a day to the database (29 total & 100+ to the May link overview). We got new insights into the mechanisms through which psychedelics work their magic (from new receptors to the long-awaited ‘critical learning’ paper). Many other clinical results covered everything from DMT for depression to psilocybin’s effect on memory.