
EmpathBio is looking to develop MDMA analogues that are both patent-able and should be easier to administer (e.g. shorter duration, with digital/virtual care). EmpathBio is a subsidiary of ATAI.


From their launching press release:

“Creating a safer, more tolerable version of MDMA could open up the treatment to more patients, such as those who suffer from hypertension and could do without a drug that elevates blood pressure, he added. Throw in a digital therapeutic that can help doctors monitor patients and tailor their treatment, and MDMA-assisted therapy could reach patients who live far away from treatment centers. That would be an improvement over MDMA-based approaches in development, which would require patients to stay overnight while they are undergoing treatment.”

Key Staff

  • Glenn Short – CEO


Company Information

EmpathBio Website

July, 2020


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