Neuropharmacologic Imaging and Biomarker Assessments of Response to Acute and Repeated-Dosed Ketamine Infusions in Major Depressive Disorder

To study the effects of ketamine in treating depression.

Status Recruiting
Results Published
Start date 25 May 2017
End date 01 January 2028
Phase Phase I
Design Blinded
Type Interventional
Generation First
Participants 150
Sex All
Age 18- 65
Therapy No

Trial Details

Background: Most medications that treat depression take weeks or months to work. Researchers want to develop fast-acting treatments. One dose of ketamine has a rapid antidepressant effect. For most people, this lasts a week or less. Repeated doses of ketamine may help maintain this effect. Objective: Main Study: To study the effects of ketamine in treating depression. Ketamine Metabolites Substudy: To study how ketamine effects brain chemistry. To study how ketamine effects the brain. This is done by looking at metabolites, which are created when a drug is broken down. Eligibility: Main Study: People ages 18-65 with major depressive disorder and healthy volunteers Ketamine Metabolites Substudy: Healthy volunteers ages 18-65 Design: Main Study: Participants will be screened in another study, with: Medical and psychiatric history Psychiatric and physical exam Blood, urine, and heart tests Participants will be inpatients at NIH for 4 phases totaling 14-20 weeks. Phase I (2-7 weeks): Gradually stop current medications MRI: Participants lie and perform tasks in a machine that takes pictures of the body. Mood and thinking tests Blood and urine tests Sleep test: Monitors on the skin record brain waves, breathing, heart rate, and movement during sleep. Transcranial magnetic stimulation: A coil on the scalp gives an electrical current that affects brain activity. Stress tests: Electrodes on the skin measure reactions to loud noises or electric shocks. Phase I tests are repeated in Phases II and III and in the final visit. Phase II (4-5 weeks): 4 weekly IV infusions of ketamine or a placebo during an MRI or MEG. For the MEG, a cone over the head records brain activity. Phase III (optional): 8 infusions of ketamine over 4 weeks Phase IV (optional): Symptoms monitoring for 4 weeks Participants will have a final visit. They will be offered standard treatment at NIH for up to 2 months. Ketamine Metabolites Substudy: Participants will be screened in another study, with: Medical and psychiatric history Psychiatric and physical exam Blood, urine, and heart tests Participants will be inpatients at NIH for 4 days. Study Procedures: Mood and thinking tests Blood and urine tests 1 infusion of ketamine Spinal tap and spinal catheter: Used to get samples of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). This is a fluid that moves around and within the brain and spinal cord. Studying CSF will help us learn how ketamine effects brain chemistry

Trial Number NCT03065335

Sponsors & Collaborators

National Institute of Mental Health
This company doesn't have a full profile yet, it is linked to a clinical trial.

National Institutes of Health Clinical Center
This company doesn't have a full profile yet, it is linked to a clinical trial.

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