Evaluation of Psilocybin (TRP-8802) in the Treatment of Binge Eating Disorder

To better understand the potential benefits of psychedelics in overeating disorders, Tryp Therapeutics will conduct a safety and feasibility clinical trial using TRP 8802 (psilocybin) among individuals with Binge Eating Disorder. This is a single-centre phase 2a open-label study to assess the safety and feasibility of a single dose of TRP 8802 in subjects with BED. Subjects will undergo screening, preparation therapy sessions, dosing, integration therapy sessions, and follow-up for 12 weeks following the dose of TRP 8802. The total participation in the study will be up to approximately 5 months.

Status Not yet recruiting
Results Published
Start date 03 October 2022
End date 02 February 2024
Design Open
Type Interventional
Generation Second
Participants 10
Sex All
Age 18- 64
Therapy Yes

Trial Details

Binge eating disorder is the most common eating disorder and is associated with obesity and psychiatric comorbidities, including depression, and impulsive and compulsive disorders. Binge eating disorder is marked by severe disturbance to a person's control over their eating behaviours and high anxiety around food. Various programs using psilocybin paired with psychotherapy have shown positive effects in treating a variety of psychiatric and behavioural conditions, including cancer-related psychiatric distress, anxiety, treatment-resistant depression, and nicotine and alcohol addiction. Based on clinical precedents, relevant neuropharmacology, and mechanistic similarities, psilocybin is theorized to have the potential to be part of the treatment of overeating disorders. TRP-8802 could accomplish this by moderating overall anxiety, anxiety around food, perseveration, and repetitive and intrusive thoughts about food in people with BED. The primary objective of this study is to assess the safety of a single dose of TRP 8802 in participants with binge eating disorder (BED) during the TRP 8802 dosing session, and through 12 weeks following dosing (i.e., Week 14).

Trial Number NCT05035927

Sponsors & Collaborators

Tryp Therapeutics
Tryp Therapeutics is a clinical stage drug development company developing psilocybin products for various diseases/disorders including fibromyalgia.

Data attribution

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