Effect of Ketamine on Neurological Activity as Measured by Electroencephalogram (EEG)

This observational study will allow data to be collected to demonstrate changes in brain activity following administration of standard of care (SOC) ketamine. By comparing genetic markers across participants, data on impact of genetic markers and response to Ketamine will also be analysed.

This data will contribute to the design of future studies utilizing ketamine for various psychiatric disorders. This study will focus on treatment-resistant Major Depressive Disorder (MDD).

Status Recruiting
Results Published
Start date 11 September 2021
End date 09 April 2022
Phase Phase II
Design Open
Type Observational
Generation First
Participants 36
Sex All
Age 18- 99
Therapy No

Trial Details

This is an Open Label Observational Study with the primary objective to assess brain activity in patients prior to, during and after Ketamine treatment and to assess genetic markers prior to Ketamine treatment. This is a non-interventional study that will observe the Electroencephalogram (EEG) pattern of participants who, per standard of care, are treated with intramuscular Ketamine. The administration of the Ketamine during this study is not considered investigational. The experimental intervention, measurements via EEG, will be offered to patients of the study site presenting for intramuscular (IM) ketamine treatment per the site's established and evidence-based protocol as part of their regular clinical care. Participants in this study have already been determined to have a medically appropriate indication for IM Ketamine treatment, independent of enrollment in this study. Given the requirement, per study protocol, to wear an EEG headset and complete study measures, participants will be compensated by having treatment costs paid by the study sponsor. There will be 36 participants enrolled at one study site.

Trial Number NCT05095792

Sponsors & Collaborators

Entheon Biomedical
Entheon Biomedical is a listed (CSE) company that aims to develop DMT for addiction treatment.

Data attribution

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