A Study of Ketamine in Patients With Treatment-resistant Depression

The purpose of this study is to explore the optimal dose frequency of ketamine in patients with treatment-resistant depression (TRD).

Status Completed
Results Published
Start date 06 August 2012
End date 12 September 2013
Phase Phase II
Design Open
Type Interventional
Generation First
Participants 68
Sex All
Age 18- 63
Therapy No

Trial Details

This is a double-blind (patients and study personnel do not know the identity of the administered treatments), randomized (the drug is assigned by chance), placebo-controlled (placebo is a substance that appears identical to the treatment and has no active ingredients), parallel arm study (each group of patients will be treated at the same time). The study will consist of a screening phase of up to 4 weeks, a 4-week double-blind treatment phase (Day 1 to Day 29), and a 3-week post treatment (follow up) phase. In the double-blind phase, patients will receive over 4 weeks either intravenous (IV) infusions of placebo (2 or 3 times weekly) or IV infusions of ketamine (2 or 3 times weekly). The total study duration for each patient will be a maximum of 13 weeks

Trial Number NCT01627782

Sponsors & Collaborators

Johnson & Johnson
One of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world, Johnson & Johnson are responsible for bringing esketamine to market in the form of Spravato.

Measures Used

Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale
A ten-item diagnostic questionnaire used to measure the severity of depressive symptoms in patients with mood disorders.

Data attribution

A large set of the trials in our database are sourced from ClinicalTrials.gov (CTG). We have modified these post to display the information in a more clear format or to correct spelling mistakes. Our database in actively updated and may show a different status (e.g. completed) if we have knowledge of this update (e.g. a published paper on the study) which isn't reflected yet on CTG. If a trial is not sourced from CTG, this is indicated on this page and you can follow the link to the alternative source of information.