Iain Burgess

Iain Burgess is a consultant and content creator at Blossom. Iain first became interested in the therapeutic potential of psychedelics while obtaining his B.Sc. in Physiology at Trinity College Dublin. While completing his M.Sc. in Global Health at Maastricht University, Iain became all the more aware of the vast amount of unmet needs in the world of mental health care.

With a longstanding interest in psychedelics, Iain completed his master’s thesis on integrating the therapeutic potential of psychedelics into the biomedical model of mental health to help address these unmet needs by combining his background in biomedicine with that of sociology.

Using concepts from Science and Technology Studies to explore the past controversies, the present discussion and future opportunities surrounding psychedelics, his work sheds light on the highly contested epistemological and ontological nature of psychedelics as they edge toward prospective medicalization. Iain has a keen interest with regards to ensuring the equitable governance and widespread accessibility of treatment models using psychedelics.

When he’s not dissecting the latest research papers, Iain can be found surfing somewhere along the Portuguese coast or trying to find the best Pastéis de Nata in Lisbon and is happiest when eating. Although his playing days might be over, Iain loves rugby and also hopes to soon master a headstand after recently getting into yoga.

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