Using the Theory of Planned Behavior to predict implementation of harm reduction strategies among MDMA/ecstasy users

This study (n=100) used a number of personality variables to predict intention and implementation of harm reduction strategies in MDMA use. The authors found that different variables predicted different strategies.


“This prospective study was designed to test whether the variables proposed by the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) were associated with baseline intention to implement and subsequent use of 2 MDMA/ecstasy-specific harm reduction interventions: preloading/postloading and pill testing/pill checking. Using targeted Facebook advertisements, an international sample of 391 recreational ecstasy users were recruited to complete questionnaires assessing their ecstasy consumption history, and their attitudes, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, habit strength (past strategy use), and intention to use these two strategies. Attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control were significantly associated with baseline intention to preload/postload and pill test/pill check. Out of the 391 baseline participants, 100 completed the two-month follow-up assessment. Baseline habit strength and frequency of ecstasy consumption during the three months prior to baseline were the only significant predictors of how often participants used the preloading/postloading strategy during the follow-up. Baseline intention to pill test/pill check was the only significant predictor of how often participants used this strategy during the follow-up. These findings provide partial support for TPB variables as both correlates of baseline intention to implement and predictors of subsequent use of these two strategies. Future investigations could assess whether factors related to ecstasy consumption (e.g., subjective level of intoxication, craving, negative consequences following consumption), and environmental factors (e.g., accessibility and availability of harm reduction resources) improve the prediction of how often ecstasy users employ these and other harm reduction strategies.”

Authors: Alan K. Davis & Harold Rosenberg


A recent report estimated that 18.8 million people in the world consume ecstasy, with the highest prevalence in Oceania, North America, and Western and Central Europe. In the United States, 3.5% of 18 – 25 year olds and 0.5% of individuals 26 years or older consume ecstasy.

Ecstasy can cause a variety of negative effects, including dehydration, elevations in body temperature, accelerated heartbeat, nausea, teeth clenching/grinding, dizziness, muscle aches or tightness, sleeplessness, mental and physical fatigue, confusion, and feelings of anxiety/nervousness and fear/ paranoia.

A recent survey estimated that 1% of ecstasy consumers sought emergency medical treatment, a number that has tripled since 2012.