Strengthening the European Psychedelic Ecosystem: Partnership Between Octarine Bio and Clerkenwell Health

Volteface (an independent research and advocacy organisation) reports on the cooperation between Clerkenwell Health and Octarine Bio.

Category Blog / Article
Published in Volteface
Country United Kingdom

Companies Featured

Clerkenwell Health
Clerkenwell is a clinical research organisation (CRO) in the UK that supports drug developers as they attempt to commercialise psychedelic therapies. Clerkenwell offers support from preclinical studies up to Phase III of the drug development process.

Octarine is a Danish synthetic biology company that aims to develop psilocybin and cannabinoid derivatives. The company currently has $1.8 million in funding but hasn't made (commercial) products.

People Featured

Tom McDonald
Tom McDonald is CEO at Clerknwell Health. He is a former Accenture pharmaceutical specialist with a focus on patient-centric care. Most recently, Tom helped run Hanway Associates, Europe's leading medical cannabis consultancy.