Transpersonal Psychedelic Practitioner Certificate

Transpersonal & Psychedelic Practitioner Certificate is a program that trains participants to become competent and ethical psychedelic facilitators. The program consists of two levels: Level I (Psychedelic Theory) and Level II (Psychedelic Practical).

Level I (Psychedelic Theory) is an online course that covers the basics of Transpersonal Psychology, the history and legalities of psychedelics, and the six core competencies for psychedelic facilitation: Empathetic Abiding Presence, Trust Enhancement, Knowledge of the Physical and Psychological Effects of Psychedelics, Therapist Self-Awareness, and Ethical Integrity, Proficiency in Complementary Techniques, and Spiritual Intelligence. The course runs from October 1st, 2023, to March 31st, 2024, and involves weekly videos, online community discussions, and monthly live meetings.

Level II (Psychedelic Practical) is a hands-on course that involves three retreats to the Netherlands. The first retreat is a participatory experience where participants undergo a psychedelic ceremony with pre/post-integration. The second retreat is an assistant role where participants help facilitate a psychedelic ceremony for others. The third retreat is a facilitator role where participants lead a psychedelic ceremony under supervision. The completion of each retreat depends on the experience and performance of the participants.

The program aims to prepare participants to safely and effectively support clients who seek psychedelic therapy for various mental health issues. The program also provides opportunities for personal growth and transformation through psychedelic experiences.

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