Training and Practice of Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy

The Training and Practice of Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy course is a comprehensive one-day program designed to equip healthcare professionals, including physicians, psychologists, therapists, nurses, chaplains, and others, with the necessary skills and knowledge to provide effective ketamine-assisted psychotherapy in a clinical setting. Led by a team of experienced instructors, including Harvey Schwartz, PhD, Veronika Gold, LMFT, Eric Sienknecht, PsyD, Ryan Hoffman, LMFT, and Robert Voloshin, DO, this course offers a thorough exploration of the principles and procedures of ketamine-assisted psychotherapy.

During this workshop, clinicians will explore the clinical skills essential for successfully implementing ketamine-assisted psychotherapy. Participants will learn how to create a safe and supportive environment for patients, address common questions and challenges that may arise during therapy sessions, and gain hands-on experience by assuming the roles of both therapist and patient in ketamine-assisted psychotherapy. In addition, opportunities for observation and discussion with live supervision will be provided, allowing clinicians to deepen their understanding and refine their practice.

While the course strongly recommends taking Module 1 with the instructors, those who have completed equivalent introductory training with recognized training centres such as KTC, KRIYA, PRATI, or SAGE are eligible to enrol in subsequent modules.

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