Healing the Healer

Healing the Healer: Compassion Fatigue, Vicarious Trauma, and Self-Care is an introductory workshop designed to address the importance of self-care for those working in psychotherapy, particularly in the context of non-ordinary states of consciousness and psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy. The course examines the necessity of proper preparation strategies, post-session processing, and preventive measures against countertransference stress and burnout. Integrating clinical theories, traditions, and philosophies, the course offers a broad perspective on therapist self-care. It also addresses critical aspects such as vicarious traumatization, burnout, compassion fatigue, and secondary post-traumatic stress. Participants will benefit from insights grounded in clinical wisdom, making this course valuable for healthcare professionals and the general public.

In addition to presentations, the workshop includes two hours of self-care activities that enable participants to engage with the material practically. Upon completing the course, participants will be equipped with grounding techniques, understanding the importance of healer self-care, strategies to prevent boundary violations, and methods to address unconscious themes that can hinder therapists’ presence. Furthermore, attendees will be acquainted with dimensions of self-care that prevent burnout and vicarious traumatization and will learn a somatic technique for working with grief.

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