Ethics Module

Ethics and Client Expectations Module: Ethics in Ketamine- and Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness-Assisted Therapies is a one-day course that takes a comprehensive look at the ethical considerations essential for clinicians involved in ketamine-assisted psychotherapy (KAP) and therapies involving non-ordinary states of consciousness. As these therapies often involve the dissolution of boundaries, it is crucial for practitioners to skillfully and ethically navigate various situations. The module discusses best practices for handling ethical questions related to touch, transference/countertransference, relational aspects of psychotherapy, and dual relationships. Participants will also learn how to manage client expectations and address the “unspoken contracts” regarding treatment outcomes, experiences, and therapist involvement.

Additionally, the course encompasses common elements of unspoken contracts and the potential ruptures that may arise if these contracts are not addressed relationally and directly. Through experiential exercises, participants will learn how to work with ruptures and how to communicate with clients to set realistic expectations effectively. The module also introduces grounding practices to assist clinicians in reorienting themselves and reconnecting to core principles during challenging sessions. This training is suitable for both healthcare professionals and the general public, with healthcare professionals finding it particularly beneficial to incorporate the tools and practices to serve their clients or patients better.

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