Psyence Group

Psyence Group is a life science biotechnology company pioneering the use of natural psilocybin to heal psychological trauma and the disorders such as anxiety, depression and PTSD. Additionally, the company are focusing on using the healing potential of psychedelics to help people overcome issues related to stress, grief and bereavement. Psyence are focusing on the context of palliative care.

Psyence Group

The company is invested in scientific research and creating regulatory-compliant psilocybin-containing products for research institutions and clinics. Psyence operates one of the first federally licensed commercial psilocybin cultivation and production facilities in the world which is located in the Kingdom of Lesotho. Psyence is also in the functional mushroom market, with their GOODMIND product now available to consumers.

Psyence Group Inc. announced that it expects to receive U$1.58 million in funding after announcing a non-brokered private placement offering.


Company Information

Psyence Group Website

January, 2019


B2B B2C Manufacturing Biotech

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HQ / Office Toronto, ON, Canada