Jennifer Virginia is a guide how holds space and works from her own experience. Her information is in Dutch and her sessions are for one day and for one or two people.
The Company
Jennifer offers sessions with magic truffles and with a ‘teacher plant’. The main offering is a guided session at her place. There are also options for doing it at your own place (with a group) for €750 or in a rented loft in Schiedam €750-1000.
Founded: 2018-01-01
Guide Meeting Type:
The Guide
“I propagate and create in many areas. I enjoy and learn to be aware and to create consciously. I help others to live better in every way or area. I hold up mirrors and help others get to know themselves.”
Next to psychedelic sessions, Jennifer also offers Reiki treatments.
Costs: from €225
to €1000
Experience: New (1-100 sessions)
Group Size:
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