Ceretype Neuromedicine

Ceretype Neuromedicine is a precision neuropsychiatry company aiming to transform treatment development and patient care using advanced technology such as Artificial Intelligence and beyond.

Ceretype Neuromedicine

Ceretype is a spinout of Harvard Medical School’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital. The company are integrating our understanding of neurologic and psychiatric biology with the latest in functional MRI (fMRI) methods and AI technologies to significantly improve the process, and decrease the cost, of new neuropsychiatric treatment development.

“Ceretype Neuromedicine, Inc. grew out of the desire of its physician-scientist cofounders to translate years of academic research in psychiatric neurobiology and imaging methods development into tools that transform therapeutic development and clinical care.”

Company Information

Ceretype Neuromedicine Website

February, 2020


B2B Biotech

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HQ / Office Cambridge, MA, USA