Handbook for the Therapeutic Use of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide-25: Individual and Group Procedures by Duncan Blewett and Nicholas Chwelos is the first widely circulated handbook on how to use LSD in the context of therapy. The handbook is surprisingly relevant (not outdated) and offers clear and structured (in stages) overview of psychedelic (LSD) therapy.
Publisher Summary
“In the 1950s and 1960s, mimeograph copies of the following Handbook were shared among pioneering therapists exploring the therapeutic utility of LSD. To this day, it remains one of the most relevant documented explorations of the guided psychedelic session.
It will be evident to the reader that the authors have not attempted to deal with the material presented within a theoretical system. The experience described and utilized in therapy represents so remarkable an extension of common experience that an eclectic approach has seemed mandatory. The clinician may feel that the depersonalization and rapport which develop in the experience are of prime significance. The experimentalist may see the induction of marked inconstancy of perception or the inconstancy of the sense of time in particular as the important aspect of the experience. In any case, clinician and experimentalist alike will find much of value and of interest in studying the drug effect. It will be obvious to the careful reader, but it is a pleasure to acknowledge here as well, the debt which the authors owe to the work of Dr. A.M. Hubbard and the help of Dr. H. Osmond.“