
MindApps by Thomas Roberts explores the concept of creating and installing mental technologies, or mindapps, which can expand one’s cognitive abilities and lead to new patterns of thinking and action. Roberts, discusses various mindapp practices, including psychedelics, meditation, hypnosis, lucid dreaming, biofeedback, and more, and shows how they can be used to intentionally redesign one’s mind and generate new ideas.

Publisher Summary

An exploration of “mind design” technologies and practices–mindapps–that boost intellectual capacity and enable new ways of thought and action. Just as we can write and install apps in our electronic devices, we can construct “mindapps” and install them in our brain-mind complex, and as just as digital apps add capabilities to our devices, mindapps can expand our mental powers and creative abilities, allowing us to intentionally redesign our minds. Using psychedelics as the prime example, Thomas B. Roberts explores the many different kinds of mindapps, including meditation, other psychoactive plants and chemicals, sensory overload and deprivation, biofeedback and neurofeedback, hypnosis and suggestion, sleep and lucid dreaming, creative imagery, transcranial brain stimulation and optical brain stimulation, rites of passage, martial arts and exercise routines, yoga, breathing techniques, and contemplative prayer. He also looks at the future of mindapps, the potential for new mindapps yet to be invented, and how installing multiple mindapps can produce new, yet to be explored mind states. Drawing on decades of research, he shows how psychedelics in particular are “ideagens”–powerful tools for generating new ideas and new ways of thinking.”
