Personalized Psychedelic Coaching

The Third Wave’s Personalized Psychedelic Coaching program is a 9-week transformational journey that accelerates personal and professional growth through psychedelics. The program is designed to empower individuals to take control of their evolution, and achieve higher levels of performance, greater wholeness, embodied presence, and clarity and inspiration.

The program is led by experienced coaches who provide loving, supportive, professional guidance throughout the process. Psychedelic medicine is not without risk, and without a robust and intentional container, psychedelic medicine can be profoundly unsettling and unbalancing. The program provides a structured container backed by scientific research and extensive coaching experience, but the coaches will not do the work for you, rather, psychedelic medicine is viewed as a skill to be honed, not a magic pill that instantly solves your problems.

The program is ideal for those who feel like they don’t deserve to complain, that they should “just be happy with what they have” but can’t shake the feeling that there’s something more, something better, something greater.

The course consists of pre-recorded lectures and four sixty-minute coaching calls with a psychedelic coach.

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