Integrating Psychedelic Experiences Course

The Integrating Psychedelic Experiences Course by MAPS is designed to help individuals navigate the critical process of integrating their psychedelic experiences. Integration involves digesting and processing the insights gained during a psychedelic journey, making sense of them, and determining their personal significance.

Neglecting integration can prevent individuals from fully realizing the transformative potential of their psychedelic experiences. Instead of becoming meaningful, long-lasting events, these experiences may be reduced to wild or confusing mental adventures.

Recognizing that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to integration, the course explores various techniques and practices, each with its unique nuances. MAPS’ Integrating Psychedelic Experiences course provides detailed guidance and supporting resources to ensure students can process and digest any journey.

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MAPS stands for Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies, it's the front runner in making psychedelics a legal way to use (and improve) in therapy.