Psychonaut Wiki

“The open encyclopedia of psychonautics”

An amazing website that documents much of the effects of psychedelics (and other semi-related substances).

“PsychonautWiki is a community-driven online encyclopedia that is striving to formally document the field of psychonautics in a comprehensive and scientifically-grounded manner. Our documentation includes an extensive collection of organized content regarding the phenomenology, scientific research, and harm reduction practices relevant to psychoactive substance experimentation (with an emphasis on hallucinogens) alongside other methods of exploring consciousness such as meditation, sensory deprivation, and lucid dreaming.”

Key Personel

  • Kenan Sulayman – Co-founders/staff
  • Chris Choi – Co-founders/staff
  • Josikins – Co-founders/staff


PsychonautWiki is an evolution from an earlier Tumblr blog (Disregard Everything I Say), it than moved to a website/wiki called Encyclopedia Psychonautica.

Company Information

Psychonaut Wiki Website

May, 2013


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