Joost Breeksema

Joost J. Breeksema is a researcher (PhD candidate) and director of ICPR and the OPEN Foundation. He is one of the central connectors in the (European) psychedelic space.


Since October 2018, Joost Breeksema is pursuing a PhD at the University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG). In his research, he aims “to better understand how experiences induced by these substances relate to psychological mechanisms and what we can learn that helps facilitate the psychotherapeutic process.”

But his interest in psychedelics research started much earlier. In 2007 he co-founded the OPEN Foundation (Stichting OPEN in Dutch) and he is currently the director:

“As director, I overview the activities and well-being of the foundation. Since its inception, OPEN has become a center of expertise for research into psychedelics in the Netherlands.”

The OPEN Foundation also organizes the ICPR conference every four years under Joost’s leadership.

He also teaches about drug (policy) as a guest lecturer at the Transnational Institute, CIEE, and University of Amsterdam.

Notable Research Papers

  • Reviewing the Potential of Psychedelics for the Treatment of PTSD (Krediet et al., 2020)

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