International Therapeutic Psilocybin Rescheduling Initiative

The International Therapeutic Psilocybin Rescheduling Initiative (ITPRI) are promoting global access to psilocybin assisted therapies. The ITPRI are advocating for the rescheduling of psilocybin to increase its accessibility to researchers as well as to provide equitable, affordable and high-quality mental health treatment to those who need it.

“To ensure equity of access to psilocybin as a global public good, ITPRI is engaging, educating and mobilizing officials and other stakeholders within the ecosystem of UN institutions, member state permanent missions and NGOs that will be critical to achieving a review and change in scheduling.”

Supporters include The Beckley Foundation, Drug Science, MAPS and more.

Company Information

International Therapeutic Psilocybin Rescheduling Initiative Website

June, 2021



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