Inner Shift Institute

Inner Shift Institute offers their ‘Shift’ retreat, a 7-day experience with two psilocybin sessions. It’s offered in the east of the Netherlands, which is surrounded by nature.

The Company

The information on the Inner Shift Institute is quite extensive on its website, and it lists its motivations and personal background. Next to the retreats, the company also offers microdosing tips and tricks. And has a library with information on other drugs.

“Our vision is truth focused. Inner truths, higher truths and collective truths, all contributing toward creating a world where psychedelics and entheogens are seen, understood and valued for their full potential of spiritual and therapeutic development, their truth and their role in assisting us to find ours. “

Founded: 2017-09-04


  • Mental health (diverse)

The Retreat

The retreat is longer than most, spanning 7 days (the last day is travel back), and has a 45-minute follow-up call planned. The retreat takes place in a beautiful retreat space in the east of The Netherlands and is offered at least 3 times yearly.

“In 6 days of transformation we will help you maximize the entheogenic experience AND integrate it into your life.”


  • Netherlands


  • 7+ Days

Costs: from €2880 to €3660


  • Psilocybin (Mushrooms)

Group Size:

  • 10-13 Participants

Guide Density:

  • 3 Participants per Guide

Company Information

Inner Shift Institute Website

September, 2017


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