24 million people affected worldwide 1
Schizophrenia affects approximately 24 million people globally, roughly 0.3% of the population. This severe mental disorder typically begins in late adolescence or early adulthood and can be severely debilitating. The condition has a significant impact on quality of life and is associated with a life expectancy that is 10-20 years lower than the general population.
Current Treatments 1
Standard treatments for schizophrenia primarily involve antipsychotic medications (typical and atypical) combined with psychosocial support and therapy. However, around 30% of patients are considered treatment-resistant, showing limited response to current antipsychotic medications. Side effects of existing treatments can be severe, leading to poor medication adherence.
Psychedelic research currently is in Phase Ib
Research into psychedelics for schizophrenia is in early stages, with most studies in Phase I/II. Due to concerns about psychosis risk, research has focused primarily on non-hallucinogenic compounds like (es)ketamine and selective 5-HT2A antagonists. Current trials are investigating compounds that may help reduce symptoms while minimising psychotic risk.
Schizophrenia and psychedelics have a long and intertwined history. First psychiatrists took LSD to better understand their patients as they believed that the acute LSD experience mirrored that of their patients. This perspective, of psychedelics as so-called psycho-mimetics persisted for a long time in academia and in the common understanding. Little research has been done on how psychedelics can help those with schizophrenia.
This topic is currently a stub, it will be expanded upon in the near future.
Highlighted Institutes
These are the institutes, from companies to universities, who are working on Schizophrenia.
Highlighted People
These are some of the best-known people, from researchers to entrepreneurs, working on Schizophrenia.
David Walling
David Walling is a clinical psychologist and serves as Chief Executive Officer and Principal Investigator for CNS.
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