Otherworlds: Psychedelics and Exceptional Human Experience

In Otherworlds, scientist and psychonaut David Luke weaves personal experience and scientific research in this comprehensive exploration of chemically mediated extraordinary human experiences.

Publisher Summary

“What is the evidence that psi experiences are experienced more frequently in non-ordinary states of consciousness? David Luke addresses this question, which is beyond the scope of materialist science, with a synthesis of scientific research on anomalous experiences occurring under the influence of psychedelics from the perspective of neuroscience, psychology, parapsychology, anthropology, and transpersonal studies. This is a comprehensive exploration of chemically mediated extra ordinary human experiences, including synesthesia, extra-dimensional percepts, out-of-body-experiences, near-death experiences, entity encounter experiences, sleep paralysis, mediumship, clairvoyance, telepathy, and precognition. The author explores the implications for our understanding of consciousness and areas for further research.”
