Alicia Danforth

Alicia Danforth is a clinical psychologist who specializes in psychotherapy for autistic adults (private practice). Next to this she also works on several clinical studies and provides integration work.


Alicia L. Danforth is also a research psychologist at the University of California (pilot study on psychedelic-assisted therapy for long-term HIV/AIDS survivors) and at the Los Angeles Biomedical Research Institute (MDMA-assisted psychotherapy for social anxiety in autistic adults).

From her bio: “When I started interviewing autistic adults for my dissertation, I discovered that I really enjoyed hearing their stories and unique perspectives. I figured out quickly that most of the stereotypes that I had been taught about autism simply were not true. The people I was talking with were not like emotionless robots at all. They were funny, authentic, and passionate about contributing to society in meaningful ways. … Since 2011, I have been researching social anxiety in adults on the spectrum, and now I’m motivated to bring what I’ve learned into my new community in the Silicon Valley. I also work with clients who are not autistic.

And “Alicia Danforth, Ph.D. is the co-investigator for a current MAPS-sponsored phase 2 pilot study looking at the effect of MDMA-assisted therapy on social anxiety in autistic adults. She began her work in clinical research with psychedelic medicines with Dr. Charles Grob at the Los Angeles Biomedical Research Institute, Harbor-UCLA Medical Center in 2004. After volunteering for a few years, she became a study coordinator and co-facilitator on a Heffter Research Institute clinical trial of psilocybin-assisted therapy for existential anxiety related to advanced cancer. The transformations she witnessed in study participants inspired her to become a clinical psychologist.​​”

She has a PhD in transpersonal psychology from the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology, is a certified focusing-oriented psychotherapist, and certified trauma-focused CBT therapist.

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