Pharmacogenetics Associated With IV Ketamine

The Canadian Rapid Treatment Center of Excellence (CRTCE) is a healthcare facility principally focused on providing best practices of intravenous ketamine treatment to adult patients suffering from treatment resistant depression. Patients who have received IV ketamine at the clinic are eligible to participate in this study where genetic biomarkers are correlated with response to IV ketamine.

Status Not yet recruiting
Results Published
Start date 01 January 2021
End date 08 January 2021
Phase Not Applicable
Design Open
Type Observational
Generation First
Participants 150
Sex All
Age 18- 65
Therapy No

Trial Details

The Canadian Rapid Treatment Center of Excellence (CRTCE) is a healthcare facility principally focused on providing best practices of intravenous ketamine treatment to adult patients suffering from treatment resistant depression. Patients who have received IV ketamine at the clinic are eligible to participate in this study where genetic biomarkers are correlated with response to IV ketamine.

Trial Number NCT04695405

Sponsors & Collaborators

Brain and Cognition Discovery Foundation
This company doesn't have a full profile yet, it is linked to a clinical trial.

Measures Used

Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology
The Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology (Self-Report) (QIDS-SR16) is a self-report tool designed to screen for depression and measure changes in the severity of symptoms.

Clinical-Administered Dissociative Symptoms Scale
The Clinical-Administered Dissociative Symptoms Scale (CADSS) is a scale used to measure dissociative states such as those induced by ketamine.

Mystical Experience Questionnaire
The MEQ is a self-report measure that has been used to measure mystical-type experiences in laboratory studies of psychedelics. The scale was developed by Walter Pahnke in 1963 and covers the major dimensions of classic mystical experience: unity (internal and external), transcendence of time and space, noetic quality, sacredness, positive mood, and ineffability/paradoxicality. Variations of the MEQ exist; the MEQ-30 and the MEQ-43.

Data attribution

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