This open-label, dose-ranging study (n=12) of a standardised Ayahuasca analog (SM-001) involves healthy adults aged 25-65. The Investigational New Drug SM-001, a decoction of Banisteriopsis caapi and Psychotria viridis, is administered in three dose levels (0.25, 0.5, or 1.5 ml/kg).
The study, led by Leanna J Standish, ND PhD, aims to assess safety and systemic exposure to SM-001. Plasma levels of biomarkers will be measured, and participants will be monitored for 28 days. The primary objective is to evaluate safety and tolerability, with secondary measures including short-term and longer-term psychological impacts, bioavailability of SM-001, and effects on blood levels of brain-derived nerve growth factor and cortisol. The study, registered with the National Library of Medicine, began on October 1, 2023, and is expected to conclude by June 30, 2024.
Trial Details
The Investigational New Drug SM-001 is formulated as a hot water decoction of two clonal cultivars of the Peruvian plants, Banisteriopsis caapi (BC) and Psychotria viridis (PV). It represents a modern formulation of an ancient Amazonian botanical medicine, "ayahuasca" ("vine of the soul") that is used by many native South American indigenous and mestizo groups for both religious and medicinal purposes. This initial Phase 1 study is to be conducted as an open label, dose-ranging safety assessment of a single dose of SM-001 taken orally by healthy adult volunteers. Twelve adult men and women, ages 25-65 years, will be consecutively assigned to one of three dose levels, 4 subjects per group (2 M; 2 F). In the presence of the Clinical Investigator(s), each subject will receive a single dose of SM-001, administered at the Clinical Study Site as a liquid at one of three dose levels: 0.25, 0.5, or1.5 ml SM-001 per kg body weight. To assess systemic exposure to SM-001, plasma levels of the four biomarkers, dimethyltryptamine, harmine, tetrahydroharmine, and harmaline will be measured. Blood samples will be drawn at baseline, HR 0 (pre-Study Drug dose), and then at HR 1, 2, 4, 8, and 24 post dose. Subjects will return to the Clinical Study Site at Study Day 28 for a final in-person assessment.Trial Number NCT05894902