Naturalistic Study Into the Hangover Effects of MDMA

The aim of the study is to compare hangover effects of MDMA users versus those who used other drugs, or alcohol only at New Year’s Eve. The week after New Years Eve, every day participants complete a questionnaire about the presence and severity of potential hangover symptoms. At day 1, demographics and alcohol and drug use at New Years Eve were recorded. On day 7, the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI) is completed to asses last weeks mood. After 4 weeks, after a drug-free week, the BSI is completed again to serve as a reference.

Compound MDMA
Status Completed
Results Published
Start date 12 January 2010
End date 02 January 2011
Phase Phase I
Design Open
Type Observational
Generation First
Participants 39
Sex All
Age 18- 65
Therapy No

Trial Details

A convenience sample was invited by e-mail to participate in the study, via the organizer of a private New Years Party.It was attempted to include as much participants as possible. Hence, no sampling method was applied when recruiting participants.

Trial Number NCT01400204

Data attribution

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