Human Psychopharmacology of Salvinorin A

This study is characterizing the subject-rated and behavioral effects of salvinorin A in healthy volunteers. The investigators hypothesize the salvinorin A will have hallucinogen-like effects.

Status Completed
Results Published
Start date 11 January 2008
End date 10 November 2013
Phase Phase I
Design Open
Type Interventional
Generation First
Participants 14
Sex All
Age 21- 65
Therapy No

Trial Details

This study is characterizing the subject-rated and behavioral effects of salvinorin A in healthy volunteers. The investigators hypothesize the salvinorin A will have hallucinogen-like effects.

Trial Number NCT00996411

Sponsors & Collaborators

Johns Hopkins University
Johns Hopkins University (Medicine) is host to the Center for Psychedelic and Consciousness Research, which is one of the leading research institutes into psychedelics. The center is led by Roland Griffiths and Matthew Johnson.

National Institute on Drug Abuse
This company doesn't have a full profile yet, it is linked to a clinical trial.

Data attribution

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