Psychedelia is a captivating one-hour documentary film that delves into the use of psychedelic drugs and their potential to trigger mystical or religious experiences.
The documentary examines this fascinating relationship by chronicling their use in controlled research studies before the countercultural revolution of the 1960s, a time when LSD was considered a promising discovery in the field of psychiatry. Through expert interviews and archival footage, the film offers an informative and thought-provoking exploration of the history and science of psychedelics.
Type: Documentary History News
Director(s): Pat Murphy
Runtime: 58min
Charles GrobCharles Grob is a Professor of Psychiatry & Biobehavioral Sciences and Pediatrics at UCLA. His work with MDMA was the first FDA approved Phase 1 study. He co-founded the Heffter Research Institute and is also affiliated with the Lundquist Institute for Biomedical Innovation.
Rick Doblin
Rick Doblin Ph.D. is the founder of MAPS. His persistent work since 1986 has been one of the main drivers behind why psychedelics (including MDMA) are now coming back to therapy.
Matthew Johnson
Matthew Johnson is an Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Johns Hopkins University. His research is concerned with addiction medicine, drug abuse, and drug dependence.