Hamilton’s Pharmacopeia is a documentary series that follows Hamilton Morris on his quest to explore psychoactive drugs and the culture that surrounds them. The series takes viewers on a fascinating journey to remote corners of the world and introduces them to traditional healers, shamans, and chemists who are the guardians of ancient psychedelic secrets.
Hamilton’s inquisitive nature is evident as he immerses himself in these cultures, delves deep into the science of these compounds, and even experiments with them himself. Along the way, Hamilton meets many interesting characters and shares incredible stories, making him an accessible guide through this strange and mysterious realm.
In one episode, Hamilton meets a group of Brazilian shamans who use ayahuasca and traditional medicine to treat depression and addiction. He witnesses their ceremonies firsthand and even participates in one, providing viewers with an intimate look at the experience. In another episode, Hamilton visits the laboratories of a scientific genius in the jungles of Columbia to examine the chemistry of hallucinogens.
He visits a lab where a chemist attempts to synthesize unique psychedelics and learns about the drug trade in the region. Another episode brings Hamilton to India, where he explores the rituals and traditional use of opium, as well as its cultural history. Throughout his journey, Hamilton is always eager to learn from those he meets and shares his experiences with viewers, making Hamilton’s Pharmacopeia an intriguing look at ancient practices and modern psychedelic science.
Hamilton’s Pharmacopeia is an acclaimed documentary series that has won numerous awards, including a Peabody Award. The series has been praised for its unique approach to exploring the history and science of psychedelics while highlighting the cultures and people who use them. The show has been lauded for using a knowledgeable yet accessible host in Hamilton Morris, who brings viewers along on his extraordinary journey.
Hamilton’s Pharmacopeia presents a captivating look at the wonders of the psychedelic world and has become a must-watch for anyone interested in learning about psychoactive drugs.
Type: Documentary Series TV Program Explainer
Director(s): Danilo Parra, Santiago Stellen, David Leven
Runtime: 32 episodes
Hamilton MorrisHamilton Morris is the creator and director of the documentary series Hamilton's Pharmacopeia, in which he investigates the chemistry, history, and cultural impact of various psychoactive drugs. He is a full-time consultant working at the COMPASS Discovery Center, based at University of the Sciences in Philadelphia (USciences) in the United States, advising COMPASS on research related to new psychedelic compounds that could be developed into therapies, and developing novel psychedelic substances in collaboration with Dr. Jason Wallach.