Alternative beliefs in psychedelic drug users

This cross-sectional study (n=392; n=233 psychedelic users) examined the relationship between psychedelic use and beliefs in alternative facts. The study found a moderate positive association between psychedelic use and beliefs in alternative facts, particularly the belief that facts are politically influenced. However, there were no significant associations between psychedelic use and favouring intuition over evidence when confirming facts. Additionally, alcohol was negatively associated with beliefs in alternative facts. Overall, the study suggests that psychedelic use is linked to non-conformist thinking styles, possibly due to the psychological effects of the drugs or shared traits related to unconventional beliefs and substance use.

Abstract of Alternative beliefs in psychedelic drug users

“Previous research has suggested that classical psychedelics can foster significant and enduring changes in personality traits and subjective wellbeing. Despite the lack of evidence for adverse effects on mental health stemming from psychedelic use, concerns persist regarding the capacity of these substances to modulate information processing and attitudes towards factual data. The aim of the present study was to investigate the propensity for accepting alternative facts and the general treatment of knowledge within a sample of 392 participants, 233 of whom reported at least a single incidence of psychedelic use in their lifetime. To do this, we leveraged step-wise methods of linear modelling investigating effects of demographics, psychiatric conditions and concomitant drug use. Our findings revealed a moderate positive association between psychedelic use and beliefs in alternative facts, as well as the specific belief that facts are politically influenced. However, no links were found for favouring intuition over evidence when confirming facts. Among other investigated drugs, only alcohol was negatively associated with beliefs in alternative facts. Taken together, our results support the link between psychedelic use and non-conformist thinking styles, which can be attributed to the psychological effects of the drugs themselves, but may also mirror a common trait related to unconventional beliefs and illicit substance use.”

Authors: Alexander V. Lebedev, Kasim Acar, Otilia Horntvedt, Andrés E. Cabrera, Otto Simonsson, Walter Osika, Martin Ingvar & Predrag Petrovic

Summary of Alternative beliefs in psychedelic drug users

Over the last decade, several nations have initiated policies to liberalize drug use, including psychedelics such as LSD, psilocybin, and DMT. These changes have been partially inspired by evidence from several small-scale clinical trials showcasing their medicinal utility.

While a substantial corpus of research explores the relationship between drugs and personality structure, few studies have probed how these substances might influence individuals’ belief systems. However, some researchers posit that the eventual prohibition of psychedelic drugs was politically motivated.

Alternative facts and conspiracy theories span a broad spectrum of themes with diverse magnitudes impacting individual and societal well-being. Some theories can harm physical and mental health, while others may pose social threats.

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Alternative beliefs in psychedelic drug users

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Lebedev, A. V., Acar, K., Horntvedt, O., Cabrera, A. E., Simonsson, O., Osika, W., ... & Petrovic, P. (2023). Alternative beliefs in psychedelic drug users. Scientific Reports13(1), 16432.

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392 Humans

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