Second Annual Neurodivergent Psychedelic Conference

The second Annual Neurodivergent Psychedelic Conference hosted by Aaron Orsini (Psychedelic Researcher and co-founder of and Miyabe Shields, Ph.D. (Cannabis Researcher and founder of is an all-day educational online event exploring the intersection of psychedelics, cannabis, autism, ADHD, and other neurological variations.

Tickets are on sale now with sliding-scale pricing ($10 and up), with each speaker receiving a 10% share of all the funds earned through ticket sales and sponsorships. All ticket holders receive all-day access to the 8-hour online live stream on Saturday, February 3rd, 10 am-6 pm Pacific, plus a full month of access to recorded replays of all of the conference presentations and panels.

Find out more about Second Annual Neurodivergent Psychedelic Conference

Type of Event: Online Conference

Audience: General Population

Dates: 03 - 03 February 2023

Price: $ 10 - 100