6-Week Microdosing Intensive

The Microdosing Institute offers a 6-week guided, online microdosing program that is tailored to help individuals achieve maximum positive momentum for the next steps on their unique, personal well-being journeys.

The program is facilitated by Indigenous and western facilitators, with a strong emphasis on community support, peer guidance, and active integration. It approaches microdosing not only through the lens of modern science but also deeply honors the ancestral perspectives where the interconnectedness of all things and the participant’s personal and collective relationship with spirit plants takes a central role.

Through the program, individuals will learn and embody all the tools, knowledge, and support needed to ensure that their microdosing experience is optimally effective in helping them bring to life an impactful intention, ultimately leading to improved well-being on a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual level.

Find More Info on 6-Week Microdosing Intensive on PsychedelicsCourses.com