Steven and Alexandra Cohen Foundation

In the bustling neighbourhood of Washington Heights, New York, Alexandra Cohen learned the true value of community and the importance of giving back. From her mother’s acts of kindness to the neighbours, she understood that change starts with one person. Today, that core belief drives the Steven & Alexandra Cohen Foundation’s philanthropic endeavours across the United States.

Since its inception in 2001, the Steven & Alexandra Cohen Foundation has made a significant impact, with $741.7 million given in funds, 3,379 disbursements awarded, and 20 years of generous giving. The Foundation’s heart logo is a fitting symbol of the compassion and commitment to giving that Steven and Alexandra Cohen demonstrate.

The mission of the Steven & Alexandra Cohen Foundation is to inspire philanthropy and community service by raising awareness, providing guidance, and leading by example. Through their grants, the Foundation supports public 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations based in the United States, focusing on helping people in need or addressing complex problems. The Cohens also initiate grassroots campaigns to encourage others to give.

Over the past two decades, Steven and Alex Cohen have given generously to a wide range of causes that resonate with their personal values. The Foundation has supported organizations working to improve children’s healthcare and education, serve the underserved, promote the arts, protect the environment, and advance Lyme and tickborne disease research.

The Cohens prioritize giving where the need is greatest, even if it means changing course. They have endowed a hospital for women and newborns, invested in a psychedelics research centre, and donated to hurricane relief efforts. Their significant donations to psychedelic research have resulted in at least one trial, demonstrating their commitment to exploring innovative solutions for the betterment of society.

Company Information

Steven and Alexandra Cohen Foundation Website

January, 2001



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