Psychedelics Integration

Psychedelics Integration is a specialised service platform that connects individuals with qualified coaches for psychedelic preparation and integration. The company operates at the intersection of burgeoning psychedelic research and harm reduction principles, aiming to provide a safe, professional, and informed environment for individuals navigating the complexities of psychedelic experiences.


The company’s mission is to support people contemplating or having undergone a psychedelic experience. Psychedelics Integration is riding the wave of what it terms the “Psychedelic Renaissance,” a period marked by exponential growth in mainstream interest, scientific research, and underground movements related to psychedelics. The company is committed to harm reduction and aims to provide clear, relevant information and one-on-one support to help individuals harness the transformative potential of psychedelics for lasting positive change.


Consultation: The company offers a free initial consultation to assess individual needs and preferences.

Coach Matching: Users can browse through a curated list of coaches with diverse specializations, ranging from addiction recovery to leadership advising, each with expertise in different psychedelic substances.

Booking & Sessions: After selecting a coach, individuals can book an exploratory call free of charge. Subsequent coaching sessions are designed to prepare for or integrate psychedelic experiences, with modalities and lengths tailored to individual needs.


The coaches affiliated with Psychedelics Integration come from varied backgrounds, including psychology, addiction recovery, and leadership advising. They are trained in various psychoactive substances such as Psilocybin, Ayahuasca, MDMA, and LSD.

Ethical Commitment

The company is a proud signatory of the North Star Ethics Pledge, indicating a commitment to ethical practices within the psychedelic community.

Psychedelics Integration is a pivotal player in the emerging field of psychedelic support services, bridging the gap between scientific research and real-world application. By offering a secure, ethical, and professional platform, the company is positioning itself as a trusted resource in the rapidly evolving landscape of psychedelic therapy and personal development.

Company Information

Psychedelics Integration Website

January, 2021



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HQ / Office Lisbon, Portugal