Psychedelic Exploration

Psychedelic Exploration is the website of Amanda and Nikolitsa, both guides and entrepreneurs. The guides are from America and offer their services in The Netherlands. Prices are not listed.

The Company

Our private, one-day experiences in Amsterdam are designed for individuals and pairs (close friends, couples, colleagues, or family members). We work with people of all experience levels with psychedelics. We help prepare you for a transformational session, create a nourishing environment for you to explore, and support you with meaningful integration.

The main offering is the 6-day program at €2500, but an even longer program and a 3-day program is possible too. Next to this, the couple also offers a couples retreat and group retreat (though the latter is still in the works).

Founded: 2018-06-28


  • Mental health (diverse)

Guide Meeting Type:

  • Face-to-face

The Guides

“We are people with a great deal of personal and professional experience with mental health, psychedelics, and altered states of consciousness.”

Amanda and Nikolitsa are from America (San Francisco) but offer their psychedelic sessions in The Netherlands. They offer their services next to working form Vaya Consulting (“a Silicon Valley firm supporting organizations to build diverse, equitable, and inclusive cultures.”)


  • Netherlands


  • Preparation
  • Integration


  • 1 Day

Costs: from €1000 to €3000


  • Psilocybin (Mushrooms)

Experience: New (1-100 sessions)

Group Size:

  • One-on-one
  • One-on-two

Company Information

Psychedelic Exploration Website

June, 2018


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