Plant Medicine Miracles is Sebastiaan’s website where he offers three different levels of guidance with psilocybin-containing truffles. The website is clear and explains the different steps (from intake and screen to integration).
The Company
“My name is Sebastiaan and with great pleasure and dedication, I facilitate your magic truffles psychedelic journey and those of your loved ones if you choose to do it together. I do this at my place, your home, or at a different location to your liking (for example an Airbnb location in nature).”
Founded: 2018-01-01
Guide Meeting Type:
The Guide
“Since puberty I have been interested in self-realization, exploring with the question ‘Who am I beyond my self-image and the persona that I call Sebastiaan?’. The realization of my true nature has brought me a lot of insight, stability, inner peace and space. Master plants have played a major role in further deepening this realization.”
He has been a certified rebalancing therapist for 7 years and has been working with psychedelics for the last few years.
Costs: from €250
to €750
Experience: Experienced (100-500 sessions)
Group Size:
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