Oregon Psilocybin Society

The Oregon Psilocybin Society (OPS) has been around since 2016 and has now gotten IP-34 on the ballot in November 2020.

Oregon Psilocybin Society

“IP 34 gives those suffering from depression, anxiety, and anyone that would benefit, a new treatment option by creating a licensed and supervised psilocybin-assisted therapy system. Pioneering studies from medical institutions such as John Hopkins, Harbor UCLA and NYU, suggest that psilocybin therapy may be a revolutionary treatment for depression, anxiety and addiction. This promising research has prompted experts in Oregon to advance IP 34 for the November ballot — IP 34 will create a licensed psilocybin therapy program so Oregonians have the best therapeutic options available.”

The society was founded by Tom and Sheri Eckert, two psychotherapists.

You can read the initiative text here.


There has been much news coverage about IP34, here is just a small selection:

Company Information

Oregon Psilocybin Society Website

January, 2016


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