Guides Collective

Guides Collective is a unique organization dedicated to supporting and empowering individuals working as psychedelic guides, facilitators, sitters, and therapists. Recognizing the vital role these professionals play in facilitating healing and transformation, Guides Collective provides them with the business resources, insights, and connections they need to build thriving practices and achieve personal and professional growth.

A Community of Support

At the heart of Guides Collective lies a deep understanding of the challenges and rewards faced by psychedelic guides. The organization fosters a supportive community where guides can connect with like-minded individuals, share experiences, and learn from one another. Through educational webinars, community forums, and collaborative initiatives, Guides Collective cultivates a space for continuous learning and growth.

Practical Tools for Success

Guides Collective goes beyond community building by offering practical tools and resources to help guides navigate the business aspects of their work. Their flagship 5C Marketing Program equips guides with the knowledge and strategies needed to effectively market their services, expand their reach, and attract clients. Additionally, their all-in-one platform, Growth Gateway, streamlines marketing efforts, making it easier for guides to manage their online presence and build sustainable practices.

Guiding Principles

Guides Collective operates on the core principles of co-creation, authenticity, and responsiveness. They believe in the power of collaboration and actively work alongside guides to co-create a thriving ecosystem for psychedelic healing. Respecting the unique journey of each guide, they encourage authenticity and provide personalized support tailored to individual needs. Furthermore, Guides Collective remains responsive to the evolving landscape of psychedelic therapy, adapting their offerings to meet the emerging needs of the community.

A Vision for the Future

Guides Collective envisions a world where psychedelic healing is accessible, respected, and celebrated. By empowering psychedelic guides with the tools and support they need to succeed, the organization contributes to the responsible and sustainable growth of the psychedelic therapy field. Their dedication to fostering a thriving community of practitioners ensures that individuals seeking healing and transformation have access to qualified and ethical guides.

Company Information

Guides Collective Website

August, 2022



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Related Course(s)

Guides Collective 5C Marketing Program
Guides Collective 5C Marketing Program helps psychedelic practitioners build thriving practices with ethical marketing strategies.


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