Experience Ibogaine is led by Dr. Paul Casillas and claims to be the largest ibogaine clinic around the world. The retreat centre is made with a focus on opioid addiction (but also treats alcohol and other addictions).
The Company
“Experience Ibogaine provides you with the bridge that can help move you towards your new life of freedom.”
The centre promotes ibogaine as a possible solution to opioid addiction and is very clear in presenting what they offer on the website.
Founded: 2010-01-01
The Retreat
The retreat consists of at least 5 days, longer options are possible. They only take 2-3 patients at a time and do extensive medical tests and have medical staff at the location (in Mexico).
“[B]y treating patients in small groups, Experience Ibogaine can have the highest doctor to patient ratio among any other clinic during the Ibogaine treatment phase. It helps ensure a higher level of safety and security for every patient that chooses Experience Ibogaine.”
Costs (call for exact pricing): from €7000
to €10000
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